A collection of links which will be updated from time to time.
Site related information.
I can be reached at , on Deviant Art. Feel free to reach out to me with requests, comments, questions, bug reports or anything else.
Acknowledgements and attribution
I would not have been able to complete this project without the academic papers and reference code that came from developers before me. Users have also done countless hours of testing which has greatly increased the stability and usability of Fractorium. I am forever in their debt. Most of the acknowledgements for code used/copied are in […]
Using this site
Welcome to Fractorium.com, hopefully your stay is enjoyable. This article gives an overview of how to use the different sections of this site. Download links are always above the search box and reflect the most recent release of the program. The menu across the top is for helping you get started, and for providing background information […]