I would not have been able to complete this project without the academic papers and reference code that came from developers before me. Users have also done countless hours of testing which has greatly increased the stability and usability of Fractorium. I am forever in their debt.
Most of the acknowledgements for code used/copied are in the About dialog. Below are the individuals who have directly helped me.
If you have contributed in some way and I’ve accidentally omitted your name, feel free to contact me.
Development: Michel Mastriani, Simon Detheridge
Linux deployment: Gambhiro Bhikkhu
Testing and feedback: Brad Stefanov, Fengda, Gabor Timar, Guephren, Jeddaka, Patrick Shirkey, Richard Vollebregt, Simon Detheridge, Tai, Yamen
Code and theory questions: Erik Reckase, Mike Thiesen, Scott Draves, Steve Robertson, Thomas Ludwig
Benchmark and example flames: Gabor Timar, C-91, Golubaja, Pillemaster, Plangkye, Tatasz, Triptychaos, TyrantWave, Zy0rg