Fractorium offers support for generating animation sequences in the Library tab.
Editing the values below has no effect on the interactive renderer. They are only used when generating a sequence, performing animation or saving to Xml.
The method to use when interpolating flames.
Linear: uses basic linear interpolation when generating all of the steps between keyframes.
Smooth: log interpolation. The first and last keyframes in a sequence must use Linear.
Default: Smooth
Stage: sequence generation.
Affine interpolation
The method to use when interpolating affine transforms.
Linear: basic linear interpolation for each coefficient of affines.
Log: converts to polar coordinates before interpolating.
Default: Log
Stage: sequence generation.
The number of times the xforms of a keyframe will do a 360 degree rotation before moving on to the next interpolation step. This value can be fractional to rotate a non-integer number of times. Note that only xforms which have at least one of their animation flags set to true will be rotated.
Set to 0 to omit rotation before interpolating.
Default: 1.00
Stage: sequence generation.
EmberGenome equivalent: --loops
, CW: --cwloops
The number of seconds each rotation takes to complete. Larger values give slower movement.
Note that this differs from EmberGenome. In that program, only a single value --nframes
is used for specifying the rotation frames and blending frames. Here, a separate time-based value can be used for each.
Default: 3.00
Stage: sequence generation.
Rotate Xforms Dir
The direction of loop rotation. Clockwise vs. counter clockwise.
Default: counter clockwise
Stage: sequence generation.
Blend Seconds
The number of seconds taken to interpolate from one keyframe to the next. Larger values give slower movement.
Default: 3.00
Stage: sequence generation.
EmberGenome equivalent: --interpframes
The number of times the xforms will do a 360 degree rotation while interpolating from one keyframe to the next. Note that only xforms which have at least one of their animation flags set to true will be rotated.
Set to 0 to omit rotation while interpolating.
Default: 0.00
Stage: sequence generation.
EmberGenome equivalent: --interploops
, CW: --cwinterploops
Blend Rotate Xforms Dir
The direction of rotation during interpolation. Clockwise vs. counter clockwise.
Default: counter clockwise
Stage: sequence generation.
Blend Interpolation
The method used to compute the blending distance for each step between keyframes.
Linear: Each step will be a linear interpolation.
Log: Steps in the beginning and end of the interpolation between keyframes will be smaller and those in the middle will be larger. This has the effect of slowing down the beginning and end portions, and speeding up the middle.
Default: log
Stage: sequence generation.
EmberGenome equivalent: Linear --unsmoother
A decimal number between 0 and 1 which governs the xform interpolation behavior.
0 (default): xforms will interpolate all at once.
0.5: the interpolation of each xform is staggered so that when the first xform is half done, the second one starts, and so on.
1: each xform interpolates consecutively with no overlap.
Default: 0.00
Stage: sequence generation.
EmberGenome equivalent: --stagger
Temporal filter width
The width of the temporal filter. This increases rendering time and is usually not needed when rendering at higher frame rates such as 60fps.
When computing the temporal samples to render, boundary frames must be computed to know what to blend between. By default this is just the sequence frames before and after the one currently being rendered.
However, the time bounds of what’s being blended can be less than that, or even greater which means it will be blended across several sequence steps.
In practice, this will almost always have its default value of 1.
Default: 1.00
Stage: animation.
Temporal filter type
The type of the temporal filter. This increases rendering time and is usually not needed when rendering at higher frame rates such as 60fps.
The filter is an array of values equal in length to the temporal samples used during animation.
For each temporal step used to create motion blur between sequence frames, the palette will be multiplied by the value in the filter array at that same step position.
Box: All filter elements are 1, which means the palette is unchanged from its original values.
Gaussian: The filter values follow the shape of a Gaussian distribution: starting close to zero, increasing up to 1 at the halfway point, then falling back down to zero. This can cause the output to be darker than the original keyframes since almost every filter value is less than 1, which might not be desirable.
Exp: Use an exponent to shape the filter values. A value of 0 sets all filter values to 1, making it the equivalent of Box
. For Exp values other than 1, the output will usually be darker than the original keyframes since almost every filter value is less than 1, which might not be desirable.
Default: Box
Stage: animation.
Temporal exp value
The exponent value when using the Exp temporal filter type. This increases rendering time and is usually not needed when rendering at higher frame rates such as 60fps.
0: The value for every temporal sample is 1, which makes this equivalent to the Box
0.5: Convex curve from 0 to 1.
1: Straight line from 0 to 1.
> 1: Concave curve from 0 to 1, with a more gradual onset the larger the value is.
Otherwise unused.
Default: 1.00
Stage: animation.